Saturday, July 20, 2024

New Title: "Everlasting" (Companion to "the Last Days")

A 125 page lather bound compilation of selections from Sacred Scripture,
Deuterocanon, 2nd Temple Era Judaism, and Early Church era on the beliefs of that time on: 

•. The Last Hour
•. Afterlife (and destinations)
•. Purification (and ancient mentions of purgatory) 
•. Justification
•. Salvation
•. Weight of Faith & Works
•. Intercessory prayers
•. The resurrection of the body
•. “Thousand year reign”
•. “The sixth day” (destruction of earth)
•.  Fate of the fallen angels.
•. Judgment (initial, and also the final)
•. Eternal Outcome

:: One free copy to any clergy, church library, monastery, apologist, evangelist, or religious education teacher who requests. (USA addresses only at this time.) 

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